
Therapy Groups for Middle School Kids.

Group Therapy for Middle Schoolers

Middle School Connections - 7th and 8th Graders

The Middle School Connections Group for 7th and 8th grade students addresses the obstacles that many kids face in what some describe as the most socially and emotionally challenging phase of life: 7th and 8th grade. The students have an opportunity to build connections with other group members as we discuss strategies for effective ways to communicate with peers, cope with stress, build confidence, and prepare for the transition to High School.

Transitioning to Middle School - 5th and 6th Graders

Similar to the 7th and 8th grade group, the Transitioning to Middle School for 5th and 6th grade students addresses the obstacles that kids face as they move into what can sometimes be the challenging social, emotional, and academic world of Middle School. The students have an opportunity to build connections with other group members as we discuss strategies for effective ways to communicate with peers, cope with stress, and build confidence in preparation for the next couple of years.

Study Skills/Homework Group

For many children, middle school is a time when homework demands increase and staying productive can be a significant challenge. Particularly in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, many kids can go through periods of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or are just unable to stay on task due to the myriad of situational challenges arising that this age. This group is designed to help children build practical study skills, overcome procrastination, and find more enjoyment in school. Working on these skills in a group setting allows children to share ideas, feel supported, and recognize that they are not alone in their struggles.

Dates, Format, and Cost

Dates for upcoming groups: Next groups are currently being planned for winter 2022 but specific dates have not yet been determined.

Groups are run in 6-week sessions. Group members are asked to make the full 6 week commitment unless special arrangements are made. Homework group sessions will recur throughout next school year and adjustment groups will have additional sessions during the summer depending on level of interest. Members are welcome to continue with the group for as long as they would like.

Currently, I do not have any groups scheduled but hope to get started again in the near future. If you are interested, feel free to get in touch and I can provide an update.